

Have you ever wanted to walk around Pompei, but you were here and Pompei obstinately refused to cross the ocean to visit you? Now you can see Pompei from the privacy of your own home thanks to Google.

Click here! Seriously! Just click!

Hopefully the link works.

It will take you to Pompei, at least on your computer. If you're not accustomed to Google Streetview, you can just click on the white arrows to move around. Or, if you want to change the angle of the camera, just grab the picture with the cursor and move it how you'd like it.

Also, if you'd like to move a lot, just grab that little guy in the bottom section and drop him where you'd like to go.

Anyway. If I'd known that this existed a couple months ago we could have saved ourselves a trip. Just kidding. It's not quite as good as the real thing, but at least there's not as much walking involved.


Heather said...

That is seriously amazing! A little trippy to get used to, but still! Well, and all the directions were in Italian, but I think I figured it out ok. Thanks for sharing!