There are many different designs out there, and they all have their merits. After many attempts I've come up with a design that works for me and is easy to explain to others. And, after all these attempts it's time to stop building them for awhile because Annie wants her kitchen table back.
What you'll need:
2 pop cans (empty)
4 more pop cans (also empty), for when you make a mistake
A utility knife
A drill with a small drill bit
A ruler of some sort, or just a good eye
A metal file is helpful, but not entirely necessary
A supportive wife
There's a good chance I forgot a few things in the list. When you see them mentioned below, just mentally add them to your own list.
I like to start with the parts most likely to go wrong first. The very first thing you'll want to do is drill a big hole in the bottom of one of the cans (didn't I say you want a 1" hole saw bit?) A hole saw on a drill is the easiest way to go, since the bottom of the can is pretty thick, but you can use other things to make the hole, too. However you make the hole just be sure to either (a) file the edges so you don't cut yourself, or (b) be careful not to cut yourself.
After you drill the big hole wrap some masking tape around the bottom of the can (did I mention masking tape?) and mark both ends where they cross each other. Then remove the masking tape.
Put the tape back on the can and drill holes at each mark. I like the holes right in the center of that angled surface on the bottom, as seen above. You can go to the far outside, or right up near the rim if you'd prefer. I don't know which is better. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that all your holes need to be in the same ring around the can so that they end up at the same height. If some holes are significantly higher than other holes they won't get as much fuel coming out of them.
In this example I did large and small holes just for fun. I don't think it makes it any better or worse, just different.
Get out your utility knife (I've heard you can even use scissors for this, but I didn't want to risk further aggravating Annie in case it has a dulling effect). However you choose to do it, cut as close to the tape as you can all the way around the can. Once you have it separated, cut tabs in the can as shown below to allow this part of the stove to fit inside the other part.
There are two ways to connect the two ends. I like to put the tabs on the inside rather than the outside so it stays a little more round. Plus, it just looks better. Before you make a loop out of this section, you'll need to cut three notches on one side or the other (all on the same side). I usually cut a notch right in the middle of the piece, then measure out both directions 1 7/8 inches and make notches there.
Next we'll make the bottom section of the stove. It's a lot easier than everything else. Just measure up 1 1/4 from the bottom of the other can and put tape around it, just like you did for the stove top. I like to put a lot more tape (2-3 times around the can) and leave it on when I push the two halves together. It probably doesn't give the aluminum any additional strength, but I like to think it does. If nothing else, it makes it a little easier to grip the can.
This, at least for me, is the hardest part. Try to push it together evenly. If you're even a little bit tilted it will buckle and tear the bottom part. There are many theories about how to make this part easier. None of them work. Really. It just takes patience, persistence, and an unexhaustible supply of pop cans.
But when you finally get it together, it looks a lot like this:
There are a couple other things you can do to make the stove a little more functional. With a third can (get digging through the garbage again) you can cut off the bottom 3/8" and use it to put out the fire by setting it on top of the stove. That will cut off the oxygen supply and the fire will go right out. You can also make a "simmer ring" to limit the heat of the fire by cutting out the top 3/8" of a can and setting it on top. The fire will be limited to the hole that you normally drink out of.
Anyway, hopefully this is a project you'll at least attempt. It's a lot of fun, and a bit addicting. Just try not to burn the house down (I'd seriously recommend only using these outside. They can really burn hot.)
so you'd recommend only burning them outside, yet you have burned five or six in our kitchen?! you make me laugh. they are pretty cool. can i quit drinking so much soda now?
How big of a steak will this cook?
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