

Well, as some of you know, and most probably don't, I'm taking my Appraisal Licensing Exam tomorrow morning. It should just be loads of fun.

Before you ask, yes I'll be licensed to appraise homes; and no, I won't appraise yours (not that I don't want to, just that it's an ethics violation. (That's not entirely true. I don't want to. But not because of you, just because I wouldn't even know where to start with a residential appraisal)).

I've spent the last 2 weeks studying pretty much all day for this test. Yes, that's officially more studying than I've ever done in my life. The difference is: I get paid to study for this test. And, if (when) I pass, they bump up my salary.

Before you start thinking that I've lost my test-taking abilities and I'm worried that I won't pass, I have to explain the situation: This test has absolutely nothing to do with what I do at work. Okay, "absolutely" nothing is a bit harsh; "virtually" nothing would be better.

The concepts are similar, but the actual execution is completely different.

But, regardless of similarities, I've been studying for a test for which I have no background. I have to retrain my mind to do things this other way, but just for a day.

Here's the breakdown of the test:

  • I'm supposed to allow for 6 hours to take it. I'm predicting 3 1/2 (I want to finish by lunch time).

  • There are 160 questions, 10 of which don't count (but, unfortunately, they don't tell you which ones).

  • The test is done in two halves, each with 80 questions.

  • I have to arrive 30 minutes early so they can train me to use the computer system that the test is done on. Are they serious? ("Hey man, what's this mousey thing with the buttons?)

  • They tell me immediately upon completion if I pass, but will only give me my score if I fail. I'm half-tempted to try to fail just so I can get my score. I sort of see their point, though: you don't want to feel inferior to your co-workers if they scored higher than you. But, on the other hand, it would be nice to feel superior to your co-workers if you scored higher.

  • I need to bring a financial calculator, one with funky buttons, but not too many buttons. If I show up with the wrong kind of calculator they confiscate it and hand me an abacus.

  • They want two forms of picture ID. I hope they'll accept my Concealed Firearms Permit.

  • I'm not allowed to bring any scratch paper with me, but they'll provide some for me when I get there. I was just planning to use my arm and a Sharpie, but I guess I'll use their paper. It's probably that recycled stuff that tears on every other word.

Hopefully I'll be able to pass the test; I'm a little more worried than I probably should be. How hard could a multiple choice test be? Especially when I only need 75% to pass! Back in my school days I could pull an 80% on tests for which I didn't even attend class.

But the stakes are high. Failing the test would cost me the price of the test and put my job in jeopardy (I'd have one more chance to take it). Plus, it'd be really embarassing to have to tell people that I scored less than 75% on a multiple choice test. At least I'd be able to get my score, though.


Elsie said...

Good Luck! Hope all goes well. I'm guessing it will. Love Ya!

Barb said...

Oh you will do fine!! So don't worry. ;)

Heather said...

Good luck, Dan! We'll be thinking about you tomorrow. (And I suppose a little prayer wouldn't hurt either!) Love ya and hope that all goes well!

Elisha said...

I think you will do great. You have a very complex mind, you should be able to store all of that info somewhere. I have never met a Palmer who isn't worried about the test, but then comes out with flying colors at the end. Good Luck!

Kristin Sokol said...

I love how snide you are about being able to pass this test as if it were nothing as if everyone in the world could pass it with out effort.

I think you forget the most people have to put some effort into test taking and academics in general.

I graduated from college, but it was really really hard. I struggled with every class and every test. Even the ones that should have been easy.

Have you ever struggled with any kind of academics? Just wondereing.

Heather said... did you do?

Misty Moncur said...

Sounds like the post office test.