
Go Aggies!

Am I a slacker or what? It's been a long time since I posted. It's been an even longer time since I've posted anything with any meaning. Don't expect that to change too soon, though.

Just an update on what's going on: I currently out of town for business. Not far out of town, and not too heavy on the business. Every winter we have a conference in Logan (I can't figure out the timing, either). It's always a pretty good week. Good classes, good food, etc. This is the first year, though, that I would have been glad to miss it. It's tough leaving Annie home alone, even if it's only 150 miles away.

In related news, I just bought a USU game day shirt to work out in. I'm hoping that people just though I was a student and not some old, weird guy hanging out in their gym. It might have helped to take the tag off the shirt.

Not much else going on, really. Just sitting here in the hotel lobby waiting for the bus to take us to dinner. Looks like it just arrived.

I'll try to be more informative in my next post. Until then, this is all you get.


katie said...

Would you please go to the D.I. on 1400 n & main. Look for me an Aggie hoodie and t-shirt. I totally would owe you something fabulous. Not sure what but it would be great.
For some reason, I'm not having much luck finding one at my sandy d.i.
Oh, and eat at the Bluebird for me. If you happen upon a pink house, that's where I lived.
Go Aggies!

Dave said...

Aggies are cows that says a lot.

Good luck in Logan, at least you are out of the fog and inversion.

Heather said...

That sounds like lots of fun! We were just in Logan last Wednesday. Made a stop at the cheese factory. Can't stop in Logan without going to the cheese factory! Hope you're having fun!

Annie said...

you've got to do something about your music...thats all i have to say.

Misty Moncur said...

Stop being so stingy with your informative blogs.

Just a warning about going to the cheese facotry, as given to us by Zach's new friend: "If you eat a lot of cheese, your poop won't come out."