

This is a picture from a poster hanging up all over our building. It's probably all over other state offices. I didn't pay much attention to the information it's actually trying to convey. I was too distracted by the people in the photo.

The first thing that just seems wrong is the guy's smile. What's he smiling about? What's going on inside his head? I know he's just posing for the picture and all, but it sure seems like a strange, creepy smile to me.

It gets even more strange, though: the woman's smile doesn't seem the same as the man's, like they're smiling for completely unrelated reasons.

And the little boy is laughing way too hard compared to the others. It's almost like somebody told a joke and only the little boy understood it, and the grown-ups are still trying to figure it out. It was probably a joke about chickens.

I don't know what it is about the picture that seems wrong; I can't quite put my finger on it. But the more I stare at it, the more it just seems odd. Does it seem odd to anyone else?


Rub said...

At the risk of sounding judgemental, here's what's happening: The little boy is laughing because he is a little terror. He has clearly done something that is not okay, and knows he can get away with it. You know the type, laughing obnoxiously at his parents in the mall while they try to control them, but are sadly unsuccesful. The dad, is gay. He is smiling his "I just got my teeth whitened and you know this smile means I'm open for business" smile in hopes that some man will see this pic and want to get to know each other later. The little girl is smiling that strange smile children get just before they get hurt. The "I'm about to fall and no one is paying attention to me" smile. She's knows she's going to slide off her mother's back and hit the pavement before anyone even notices she's struggling. The woman, oh so sad, is blindly ignoring all the issues in her life (i.e. horrible son and gay husband) because she's content with her nice house, picket fence, one dog and two fish life. She is living in that life, by herself.

Reading back over this, it doesn't sound nice, but they're not real anyways. They're just models posing for a picture, right? If they could fake a happy smiling family then they'd be actors, not models. Right? Right?!?!

Robert said...

No no. They're playing together. The woman feels bad that the son just jumped on the guy's back, the guy is smiling a "rough and tumble, why did you jump on me" smile, the little girl is smiling because she didn't jump on the mom, she climbed. But all together they're just having fun on the floor somewhere. hordsl