

If you haven't seen any of these, you really should take a look. I'm probably years late to the party, but there are various people around the world making "Literal Music Videos". They use the original music video, but change the lyrics to describe what's going on in the video. Some are hilarious, some are pretty lame. Some have questionable language, (watch at your own risk. Sorry), but there are some real gems.

The first:

Another great one:

Even the Monkees:

U2, too:

If you didn't get enough with these, do a search for "Literal Music Videos" on YouTube, or click here.


Robert said...

ha ha ha. too funny! I've never heard of those before. I especially liked the first one, probably because I don't know that song. The others were good too. Get back to work! ingardfa

Misty Moncur said...

Haha, I've never seen those before either. Too much time on someone's hands.

katie said...

Very entertaining!