
Two for One

What lucky readers you are! You get two posts for the price of one today! Of course, reading the posts is free (and worth every penny), so there's not a whole lot to be gained by my offer. On the other hand, though, you get to read almost twice as many words as you would have had to read otherwise.

If you can't tell, I've changed my look. I've been hesitant to make the change; in part because I couldn't find anything that I particularly liked. But, when everyone else around me started changes their templates, I figured it was time.

This template is pretty good. I can't remember where it came from, but I'm sure the link to the website's posted at the bottom of the page (by their terms of use I can't remove it). It took quite a bit of editing to make it into what I wanted, and it may still need a little tweaking, but for now it'll do.

Before you ask, yes, I took that picture of the Roman Forum (which explains why the sky's washed out and it's tilted slightly to the side (the picture, not the sky)).

Anyway, enjoy the new look, and check back often for new posts. You might just be lucky enough to get two posts in one day again!


Heather said...

Nice template! I love it! I'll have to scroll down and see where you got it. I'm no good at tweaking, though. And that's a nice picture at the top. It would be something amazing to see in person! Maybe one day...

katie said...

I think since you have a new blog, you should host a contest.

lizzie said...

very nice...