

You'll all be happy to know that I'm changing the way I write the number 8.
That's right--you heard me. Growing up, I used to have some really pretty 8s. They were done in one fluid motion and had a cool edge to them. They were pretty exciting 8s, as far as 8s go.
Then something happened. I don't know what, so sorry if you were expecting a great traumatic story about how I could no longer write my 8s. I think it just got to the point where I could no longer read them. Of course, I couldn't read anything that I'd written. It's just that the 8s were worse than other letters.
So I decided it was time to change them back. Instead of writing an 8 like in the left up above (making two circles that sometimes didn't touch, and more often than not overlapped to the point that they looked like a bold 0) I now, once again, write my 8s like the one on the right. One fluid, beautiful motion.
I know I won't ever be perfect, but at least fixing my 8s is a step in the right direction, right?


katie said...

I'm relieved. The one of the left is more feminine anyways. But this doesn't explain anything because I write my 8's like the one on the right. But then again...femininity and katie don't completely scream togetherness.

Anonymous said...

I thought everyone wrote it like the one on the right, one fluid motion. It says a lot about you that you wrote it the other way, for good or bad, I dunno. Good on ya for changing though, after all everyone's doin' it.