
It wasn't in my head...

It was in my thumb.

Can you see the size of that thing sitting near the bottom joint of my thumb? (Not the bump near the top knuckle.) That thing, just short of 1/4 inch, has been embedded in my thumb for the last 2 months. My thumb has been swollen and sore since. Nobody believed me that there was a piece of wood in there, but Annie squoze (is that a word?) it out today. My thumb still hurts like you wouldn't believe, but now maybe it can heal.

Thanks for popping it out for me, Annie! TVBA.


Leslie said...

What a good wife you have!

Voice of Reason said...

good grief, what's next another near death bee sting? Maybe you and Annie and Tiffany could form a Wah-Hah club and Call it the Splinter and Stings Survivors Assoc.

katie said...

Very blogable material Dan. Thanks.

Dave said...

not the obscure lump on your thumb, but the log wedged into your skin by the obscure lump. I get it.