

So I made a big mistake today at the gym while I was walking on the treadmill. No, I didn't watch the food network and get really hungry and go out for a big lunch afterward. I didn't want the news and freak out about the $940 Billion in pork projects that the democrats are pushing through.
I didn't do any of those things, but did something much, much worse. I watched Rick Steves. I've tried so hard for years to avoid watching travel shows, and I've been doing really well. But I slipped off the wagon today and enjoyed watching Rick travel around the Dordogne region of France.
I never knew that such a beautiful place existed, but now I desperately need to go see it. The only way I can describe this feeling is being "Travorny", or "Travel Horny". It's such a weird feeling. It's like feeling homesick even though I'm at home (not technically, but in theory). I used to call this condition "Romesickness", but that really only applies to Rome, or to Italy in a more general sense. So, while speaking of having the feeling for other areas, I have to say that I'm Travorny.
There's no real cure for this condition, short of traveling all over the world. Hopefully I'll be able to cure the condition in the next couple years, or I'll start suffering from Travue Tralls.


Robert said...

Travue Tralls!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's so wrong on so many levels... well at least one level, but that's a pretty wrong level! I know what you mean by travorny though, just an itch to get the heck outta here. Poor guy. dedligg

Heather said...

I didn't get it at first...thanks for explaining, Rob! That is so, so wrong! Hopefully you get your chance to travel soon...! I'd hate to see the alternative! (ok, sick, sick and wrong!)

Kristin Sokol said...

Here's one for sad. My friend around the corner's husband won an all expenses paid trip to a resort in Mexico from his work. He was the top commercial lender in his region. Problem is that he works for US Bank and because of the Wells Fargo Vegas trip fallout, they canceled it like 5 days before they were supposed to head out. Is that sad or what! Talk about Travorny!

katie said...

I like the word Travorny.